Tidbits and Things
Well, here we are.
I know there are some questions, so I have a few answers. On some stuff.
First order of stuff - Mean Streak. This is the last we will speak of it. It's now dead. I mean, it's in the Dead Rides Cemetery, for cryin' out loud!
We've received many, many questions regarding the wood and what we're going to do with it.
I just wanted to let you know that we're not selling it or making any other pieces of the ride available for purchase (or otherwise) at this time.
Should that change, I'll let you know.
And you can ask me as many times as you'd like about what's going on back there - but I'm not going to say. Yet.
Let's focus on HalloWeekends and the exciting changes coming in 2017. They're going to be a-mazing.
Second order of stuff - the new water tower.
Isn't she a beaut'?!
Two fast facts on it: 1) it's not quite done yet - lots of internal stuff going on 2) it holds ONE MILLION GALLONS of water - that's a whole lot of H20!
For those who don't know where that water is, it's literally up top. I've been asked to climb up there and join the bucket brigade to fill it for the first time. We'll see how that goes.
So what happens to the old one?
Eventually, it will be taken down (and it's waaaaay too early to ask for pieces of that, too). Can't say when that will happen, but it won't be in our immediate future.
Hmm. What else can I share?
Oh - and Ride Warriors Club members...our tour of Haunt Central begins tomorrow, 9/24 at 6 p.m. Please meet at the bottom of the Ballroom stairs on the Kiddy Kingdom side, and be sure to bring your membership card.
Oh oh - and beginning Saturday, Tweetup prizes include Fright Lane w/Skeleton Key, so make sure you follow me on Twitter for clues and the exact place to meet for a chance to win that, and Fast Lane Plus, souvenir coins, front-of-the-line passes and more.