Cams and Construction
Just in time for Christmas, we received a few new gifts in the form of cameras.
If you hadn’t noticed, the two live cameras atop our Power Tower ride have been replaced with new devices with better imaging, both day and night.
We can still move them around to provide different views, so check back every now and then to see what the peninsula looks like over the winter.
A third is on the way and will be installed in Frontier Town. I think you’ll agree that these are a spectacular upgrade, and nighttime views should look even better once we open for the season and all the park's lights are on.
It’s fun to take a look at them now and then. Sometimes you can see a storm rolling in; sometimes we’re covered in snow; sometimes you can see rides running…or maybe going away.
(that’s a segue)
The demolition of our Wicked Twister roller coaster is well underway. As promised, let’s take you closer.
The demo doesn’t exactly happen how you may think. I know I envisioned a giant wrecking ball going back and forth until the whole thing was gone.
But a job like this has to be done delicately, since there are lots of things around it.
The demo crew is really just cutting everything in sections and taking the pieces away for recycling. They’re using torch cutters to make slices in the track, roof and other pieces.
One by one, the launch track pieces were cut and dropped onto the ground below. Shortly after, sections of the structure, including the roof, were cut and removed.
As for the two twisty towers, the removal isn’t quite the same. That will require some carefully planned techniques.
When we’re closer to that happening, we’ll bring you along.